Anaya jena

Anaya jena

A Young Voyager Of The Solar System

This certifies that Anaya Jena born on May 5th, 2021 from Jagat singhpur, Odisha has been officially recognized for her extraordinary ability to name all the planets in our solar system at the remarkable age of 3 years. Anaya’s impressive knowledge not only reflects her exceptional cognitive development but also showcases her innate curiosity about the universe. Her ability to grasp and recall the names of celestial bodies demonstrates a passion for learning thv vv at is truly inspiring. As confirmed on October 10, 2024, Anaya Jena’s name has been officially registered in the Influencer Book Of World Records for this significant achievement. Her accomplishment serves as a beacon of inspiration for young learners everywhere, emphasizing the incredible potential that children possess to explore, understand, and connect with the world around them.