Atheeva Ayusiri B.

Atheeva Ayusiri B.

Atheeva Ayusiri B.: The Toddler Prodigy Redefining Early Learning

Atheeva Ayusiri B., hailing from Mysore, Karnataka, has earned the title of "Fastest Learning Kid" with an extraordinary set of accomplishments at just 2.6 years old. Atheeva demonstrated exceptional cognitive and learning abilities by answering 10 general knowledge questions, naming 20 animals, 15 fruits, 20 parts of the body, and 10 vehicles, identifying 6 shapes, and performing 10 yoga poses. In addition, Atheeva successfully solved 36 pieces on 4 puzzle boards (9 each), performed 6 actions, imitated the sounds of 7 animals, and recited the days of the week and the months of the year in both English and Kannada. Atheeva further impressed by recalling 7 antonyms, identifying the alphabet from A to Z with corresponding words, and reciting 5 English rhymes. This extraordinary achievement, confirmed on August 14, 2024, has led to Atheeva Ayusiri B.'s name being officially registered in the Influencer Book Of World Records